Restoring The DIA

The Detroit Institute of Arts is being renovated and expanded, with a re-opening planned for late November.

The original building — constructed in 1927 — and the adjoining wings are being reconditioned.

The exterior walls on the wings are being re-clad in new marble and the museum is adding 35,000 square feet of gallery space, including a four-story addition to the South Wing. Over 5000 pieces of art are to rehung! Visitors will enjoy new amenities, including an expanded cafe and a new museum shop.

The gala re-opening is set for November 10th but you can get a sneak preview of the museum's transformation by clicking on the You Tube video below to watch or go to:

Did you know the DIA is the 5th largest fine arts museum in the United States?

Did you know it contains over 100 galleries with more than 60, 000 works?

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