Jobs Landed: Jonathan Marko

I work directly for the chief Justice.  I draft opinions, orders, and memoranda under the direction of the Justice on case call or motion docket matters.  I prepare in advance of oral arguments, including reviewing cases, conducting required legal research, summarizing important facts and arguments and drafting and editing memos.  I review incoming motions, complaints, and petitions and advise the Justice on appropriate action.  I perform other duties as required by the Chief Justice to ensure the efficient administration of the office.  I advise the Justice on the law and positions of the parties, and make a recommendation on what she should do.
Job Title: Law Clerk to Chief Justice Marilyn Kelly
Company: Michigan Supreme Court
College: American University, Juris Doctor, Cum Laude, Washington, DC
High School: Central High School, Grand Rapids, MI

Michigan Supreme Court

3034 West Grand Boulevard
Detroit, MI 48202