Skateboarding Terms And Tips

Skater Talk with Rob Woelkers

Ollie:  jump on the board by smacking the tail down and simultaneously jumping and bringing the board with you.  No hands.

Kickflip:  ollie and kick front foot to the toe side to make the board do a 360 degree roll under you … then land back on the board.

Sex Change:  kickflip while your body does a 180 degree turn, and land back on the board.

Kilty Mcbagpipe: kickflip the board under a bar, rail, chain, etc. and at the same time jump your body over the same bar, rail, chain, etc., and land back on the board.

Bigflip:  do a kickflip, but along with the board doing the 360 degree roll, it also does a 360 degree turn. Your body does a 180 and you land on the board.

Grind: to make contact with an obstacle using your trucks (metal axles that attach the wheels to the board).

Boardslide: ollie onto an object and slide on it, making contact with the board between the wheels.

Half pipe:  U-shaped ramp

Need to know more? Check out here or here or this 'tricktionary'

Skateboarding Websites

Local Chaos (Ann Arbor/SE MI Skate/Music Archive):

Dreamland – more examples of skate parks:

For girls and women:


Other metro Detroit outdoor concrete skate parks with bowls

Huntington Skate Park, Huntington Woods

Concrete Jungle, Westland

Skate Parks around Michigan listed at

Skateboarding Movies:

Lords of Dogtown

Dogtown and Z-Boys

Gleaming The Cube (bad movie, good skateboarding)
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