LED street lights energy saving in downtown Ann Arbor

What started out as the clichéd light bulb going on over someone's head is turning into a lot of new street lights throughout downtown Ann Arbor.

The city plans to switch its normal light bulbs in its downtown street lights to LED lights over the next three years. The change will cost $640,000 but is expected to pay for itself over the 4.2 years in energy savings.

City officials are also exploring the idea of changing all of its street lights to LED lights in the next few years. LED lights use a fraction of the electricity as normal light bulbs. LED lights are currently used in traffic lights, TV, and cooler flashlights; as well as many other products. Ann Arbor has been testing the LED lights in a pilot project over the last two years.

Source: John Hefted, mayor of Ann Arbor

Writer: Jon Zemke

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